The structure theorem for compact Lie Groups states that all compact Lie groups are finite central quotients of a product of copies of $U(1)$ and simple compact Lie groups. And yet, as easy as arbitrary compact Lie groups are to describe, most Lie Groups one encounters are the various quotients of simple compact Lie groups and maybe some products of these groups (I will herein refer to such groups as standard Lie groups). The only compact examples which one encounters regularly that are not standard Lie groups are the unitary groups $U(n)$ (which are quotients of $U(1)\times SU(n)$) and $SO(4)$ (which is the diagonal $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ quotient of $Spin(4) \cong Spin(3)\times Spin(3)$).
I am currently trying to further expand my knowledge and understanding of compact Lie groups, so I am wondering:
Question: Has anyone encountered examples of non-standard Lie groups (other than the $U(n)$'s and $SO(4)$) in their research, as the autormorphism group of some object they were studying, or in some other way? If so, would you give a bit of description of the setting you were working in as well as a description of the non-standard group which appeared?
Although given a non-standard group, one can easily construct algebraic objects for which it is the automorphism group, I am more interested in instances of the reverse of this process wherein a non-standard group appears in the course of thinking about some other problem.
Edit: Since there still seems to be some misunderstanding of the intent of the question, to clarify the situation I am interested in, I am looking for groups of the form $G_1\times\ldots\times G_k/H$ where each $G_i$ is a compact simple Lie group, $k\geq 2$ and $H\subsetneq Z(G_1\times\ldots\times G_k)$ is not of the form $h_1\times \ldots \times h_k$ with $h_i\subseteq Z(G_i)$. So examples with multiple factors such as the the Structure Group of the Standard Model described by Theo are the sort of thing I'm looking for.
diagonal' $\mathbb{Z}_2$ in the center of Sp(n)×Sp(1)) as
non-standard', and it does occur as holonomy. There are lots more in the exceptional symmetric spaces, of course. For example, $E_6\cdot S^1\subset SO(54)$, which is the holonomy of the symmetric space EVII (see Helgason's Table V), is the quotient of the product group by a diagonally embedded $\mathbb{Z}_3$. $\endgroup$