I'm trying to collect pointers into the literature about coherent rings. Recall that a ring is left coherent if its finitely generated left ideals are finitely presented. This condition was introduced by Stephen Chase in [Stephen U. Chase, Direct products of modules, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 97 (1960), 457–473. MR0120260] as a characterization of rings whose class of flat right modules is closed under arbitrary direct products.
There are many results out there giving criteria for coherence. In particular, providing conditions which, when satisfied, ensure that a ring constructed in some way (polynomials, formal series, &c) from another ring is coherent. There are also interesting negative results: the nicest one I can find is [Jean-Pierre Soublin, Anneaux et modules cohérents, J. Algebra 15 (1970), 455–472 MR0260799] which shows that the Hilbert basis theorem is false for coherence.
Coherence is a more or less technical thing, so it tends to appear a bit 'hidden' in various contexts, so I am pretty sure I am missing a big part of the literature in spite of having spent a non-negligible time following links on MathSciNet. For example, it appears that model theorist have (had?) an interest in coherence.
May the amazing collective MO erudition help me find relevant results?