Fix a prime number $p$. Let $A$ be a commutative ring, and consider an $A$-algbera $B$ of characteristic $p$. So we have a sequence of ring homomorphisms $$ A \to A/pA \to B. $$ Assume that we want to show that $B$ has flat dimension $\leq n$ (i.e., the $A$-module $B$ has Tor amplitude in $[-n,0]$). Then, is it enough to check the following condition (οΌ)?
(οΌ) $B$ has $p$-complete Tor amplitude in $[-n,0]$
Here (οΌ) means, by definition (ref. Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze "Topological Hochschild homology and integral $p$-adic Hodge theory"), that the derived tensor product $B\otimes_A^L A/pA \in D(A/pA)$ has Tor amplitude in $[-n,0]$. That is, $B\otimes_A N \in D^{[-n,0]}(A/pA)$ for any $A/pA$-module $N$. On the other hand, our aim is to show that $B\otimes_A M \in D^{[-n,0]}(A)$ for any $A$-module $M$. Is this true?