Let $(X, \|.\|_1)$ is isometrically isomorphic to $(X, \|.\|_2)$ and $\|.\|_2\leq \|.\|_1$. Assume that $x_0$ is a smooth point of $(X, \|.\|_1)$ and $\|x_0\|_2=1$. According to the definition of a smooth point let the collection of support functionals at $x_0$ be
$$J(x_0)=\{\mu x_1^*:|\mu|=1\},\qquad x_1^*\in (X^*, \|.\|_1^*)\quad \text{and}\quad \|x_1^*\|=1.$$
My question: Is $x_0$ also smooth in $(X, \|.\|_2)?$ Is the comparison between two norms necessary to conclude this?
I haven't been able to proceed. Please help. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.