Suppose I have a finite group $G$, and a group cocycle $\varphi\in Z^n(G,U(1))$ (trivial action on $U(1)$) evaluated at $k$ distinct values of the inputs $g_1,...,g_n$. That is, I am given a set of values $\varphi(g_{1,1},...,g_{1,n}),...,\varphi(g_{k,1},...,g_{k,n})$. What is the minimal $k$ such that the cohomology class $[\varphi]$ can be determined uniquely?
As an example, I know that for $n=3,G=\mathbb{Z}_2$, if $$ \varphi(g_1,g_2,g_3)=\nu(g_2,g_3)\nu(g_1g_2,g_3)\nu^{-1}(g_1,g_2g_3)\nu^{-1}(g_1,g_2) $$ is a coboundary, then $$\varphi(1,0,1)\varphi(1,1,1)=1$$ and the invariant above gives $-1$ for the nontrivial cocycle. So in that case $k=2$. However, if there is a generalization to that formula I am missing it.
The case I care about the most is $n=3, G=\mathbb{Z_m}$, but if there is a general answer I'd appreciate that. I see this answer for $n=2$, is there a known generalization?