I am trying to understand the relationship betweeen compactly generated presentable categories, also called finitely presentable categories, and general presentable categories (which I have less intuition for). A presentable $\infty$-category $C$ is an accessible reflective localization of a presheaf category on a small category $C_0$, i.e. $\pi: Fun(C_0^{op}, Space) \overset{\rightarrow}{\hookleftarrow} C: i$ where $i$ preserves $k$-filtered colimits for some $k$. The presheaf category is compactly generated and I think $C$ is compactly generated if and only if $i$ preserves filtered colimits. I think to meaningfully discuss reflective localizations in terms of morphisms in $PrL$, we need to consider $PrL$ as a $(\infty,2)$-category.
I am wondering if there are other ways to get to all presentable categories from compactly generated ones (that are more $(\infty,1)$-categorical). For example:
Question: Is every presentable category a (filtered?) colimit of compactly generated categories in $PrL$?
For example, if one could convert the reflective localization into a colimit in $PrL$, then there would be hope for this question to have an affirmative answer. My question may also be related to Why are compactly generated $\infty$-categories closed under limits in $\operatorname{Cat}_{\infty}$?, but rather for filtered colimits rather than filtered limits.