My background is in rough paths theory.
In short, if you have an irregular function $f:[0,T]\to\mathbb R^d$ and you want to make sense of integrals $\int_s^t \cdot \ df(r)$, the right objects that are needed to construct these integrals are the iterated integrals $\int_s^t\int_s^{r_2}df(r_1)\otimes df(r_2)$, … where the amount of integrals needed increase the more irregular $f$ becomes. In particular if $f$ is $\alpha$-Hölder then you must construct $\lfloor 1/\alpha \rfloor$ many iterated integrals. The point is that these iterated integrals cannot be defined in a canonical way therefore they must be constructed in other ways and there has been a great deal of effort into constructing these iterated integrals. Once you construct the first $\lfloor 1/\alpha \rfloor$ many iterated integrals, the remaining integrals don't matter from the perspective of rough paths theory.
The collection of all iterated integrals of $f$ is known as the signature of $f$.
However recently in machine learning there has been work done on the signature method. All data is discrete, maybe smoothly interpolated in different ways, but ultimately everything is smooth. Therefore all iterated integrals are defined canonically.
This seems at odds with my background in rough paths theory. In rough paths theory, it is only the noncanonically defined iterated integrals that provide new information.
My question isn't about the signature method or machine learning per se but more broad:
What does the signature of a smooth path tell you about the path? What can you do with the signature of a smooth path?