Let $(\mathfrak{g}, [,], \delta)$ be a Lie bialgebra where $\delta$ is the cobracket. It is well-known that there exists a simply connected Poisson-Lie group $G$ such that $\mathfrak{g} = \mathrm{Lie}(G)$.
Question: Is there a general method to construct the Poisson bracket $\{,\}$ on $G$ starting from the Lie bialgebra structure on $\mathfrak{g}$? In particular, when $\mathfrak{g}$ is the Borel subalgebra $\mathfrak{b}_+$ of $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ (with generators $H$ and $E$ such that $[H, E] = 2E$) and $\delta(H) = 0,\delta(E) = E \wedge H$, is it possible to explicitly write down the Poisson bracket for $B_+$?