Let $G$ be $p$-adic group and let $G \rightarrow GL(V)$ be a representation. For example, $V$ is a quadratic $\mathbb{Q}_p$-space and $G$ is the associated orthogonal group.
Take a point $v \in V$, let $H \subset G$ be its stabilizer and assume $X = H \backslash G = G \cdot v \subset V$ is a closed subvariety. To continue with the example, $H = O(v^{\perp})$.
I consider the indicator function of (the image via the projection $G \rightarrow H \backslash G$ of) $H \cdot K$, for some compact open subgroup $K$, and I want to extend this indicator function to a locally constant smooth function on $V$.
Is it somehow possible ? Do you know of any work that addresses similar questions ?