3d Chern-Simons gauge theories based on a Lie group $G$ are classified by an element $k_{CS}\in H^4(BG,\mathbb{Z})$, its level. Via the CS/WZW correspondence the theory is related with a 2d non-linear sigma model with target space $G$, and with a WZW term classified by an element $k_{WZW}\in H^3(G,\mathbb{Z})$, its level. The relation between the two levels is given by a transgression map
$$ \tau : H^4(BG,\mathbb{Z}) \rightarrow H^3(G,\mathbb{Z}) $$
See for instance
- Robbert Dijkgraaf, Edward Witten, Topological gauge theories and group cohomology, Comm. Math. Phys. 129(2) (1990) 393-429, doi:10.1007/BF02096988, Project Euclid
for an early discussion relating CS/WZW correspondence with transgression.
More generally a CS level for a (d+1)-dimensional Chern-Simons theory transgresses to a WZW level for a d-dimensional WZW level through a transgression map (for $d>2$ this is related with anomalies in QFT)
$$ \tau : H^{d+2}(BG,\mathbb{Z}) \rightarrow H^{d+1}(G,\mathbb{Z}) $$
I think that for simple, simply connected and compact $G$ this map is an isomorphism. Is this correct?
Second, dropping the assumption that $G$ is simple and simply connected, the map can fail to be surjective or injective. For instance if $G=SO(3)$, then $\tau : H^4(B SO(3),\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow H^3(SO(3),\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Z}$ is the multiplication by $2$, that is injective but not surjective. As an opposite case, if $G=U(1)$, for any even $d\geq 2$ $H^{d+2}(BU(1),\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Z}$ while $H^{d+1}(U(1),\mathbb{Z})=0$ so $\tau$ is the zero map, and it's not injective.
I'd like to know how can I characterize in general kernel and image of $\tau$ in terms of $G$. I would expect there are mixed situations, and cases where the map is non-trivial but not injective (I would expect so for instance for $G=U(n)$). Is there also some long exact sequence from where I can read these pieces of information?