What paper/book is appropriate as the standard reference for Reedy weak factorization systems, not Reedy model structure? Specifically, I would like a reference for the following Propositions 1 and 2:
Proposition 1. Let $D = (D, D_-, D_+)$ be a small Reedy category. Let $C$ be a category with a weak factorization system $(L, R)$. Then we have the weak factorization system $(L^D, R^D)$ on $C^D$ given by the following, as long as $C$ has enough limits and colimits to make the following meaningful: $$ L^D := \left\{ X \to Y \text{ in } C^D \mathrel{}\middle|\mathrel{} \forall d \in D,\, L_dY \cup_{L_dX} X_d \to Y_d \text{ is in } L \right\} \\ R^D := \left\{ X \to Y \text{ in } C^D \mathrel{}\middle|\mathrel{} \forall d \in D,\, X_d \to Y_d \times_{M_dY} M_dX \text{ is in } R \right\} $$ Here, $L_dX, M_dY \in \operatorname{Ob} C$ denote the latching and matching objects of $X, Y : D \to C$, respectively, at $d \in D$.
Proposition 2. Let us work in the same setting as Proposition 1. Assume that every matching category is empty or connected, and that $C$ has all colimits of shape $D$. Then $\mathrm{colim} \colon C^D \to C$ maps morphisms in $L^D$ to $L$.
I need the case where $D = \{0 \leftarrow 1 \to 2\}$, for which I have the proof myself. However, despite my ignorance, I am almost sure that these propositions are elementary and well-known; for example, Hovey's Model Categories essentially states Proposition 1 in terms of model categories, but not in terms of weak factorization systems. However, I do not know what to cite for these propositions, because I do not know the result stating that the weak factorization system I am considering is a part of a model structure (specifically, inner anodyne morphisms in simplicial sets). I would greatly appreciate your suggestions.