This question is a modified version of this unanswered question asked on MSE, which mainly concerns an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with discontinuous drift on $\mathbb R^n$(for simplicity let $n=2$ for now): \begin{equation} \label{OU}\tag{1} \mathrm d\mathbf X_t=-(1+f(\mathbf X_t))\mathbf X_t\mathrm dt+\sqrt{2}\mathrm d\mathbf W_t\end{equation} in which $\mathbf X=(X^1,X^2)\in\mathbb R^2,$ $\mathbf W_t$ is a standard Wiener process on $\mathbb R^2,$ and $f(\mathbf X)$ is a piecewise constant function in the form \begin{equation} f(\mathbf X)=\Theta(\mathbf a\cdot \mathbf X)+\Theta(\mathbf b\cdot \mathbf X) \end{equation} where $\mathbf a,\mathbf b\in\mathbb R^2$ are two noncollinear vectors, and $\Theta(x)=\left\{\begin{aligned}&1&x>0\\&0&x\leq 0\end{aligned}\right.$ is Heaviside function.
While solving the SDE \eqref{OU} may be difficult, I'm mainly interested in the evaluation of the moments $\mathbb E^{\mathbf X}\{\mathbf X_t\}$ and $\mathbb E^{\mathbf X}\{X^i_tX_t^j\}$ of the process \eqref{OU} as $t\to+\infty.$ Here for any function $g(\mathbf X_t)$ of $\mathbf X_t,$ \begin{equation}\mathbb E^{\mathbf X}\{g(\mathbf X_t)\}:=\mathbb E\{g(\mathbf X_t)|\mathbf X_0=\mathbf X\}\end{equation} is the (conditional) expectation of $g(\mathbf X_t)$ given initial value $\mathbf X_{t=0}=\mathbf X$. In particular, is it possible that the OU process \eqref{OU} has a non-zero equilibrium displacement, i.e. \begin{equation}\lim_{t\to+\infty}\mathbb E^{\mathbf X}\{\mathbf X_t\}\neq \mathbf X\ ?\end{equation} Thanks in advance. Recommendation of related literature is also welcomed.