$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group (probably reductive will be needed). Consider a faithful representation $G \to \GL(V)$. Given a parabolic subgroup $P < G$, we can consider a composition series of $V$ as a $P$-module
$$ V_\bullet: 0 \subseteq V_1 \subseteq V_2 \subseteq \dotsb \subseteq V_s = V, $$ i.e. each $V_i$ is $P$-invariant and the flag is maximal in the sense that the quotients $V_i/V_{i-1}$ are irreducible representations for $P$.
I would really appreciate it if you could help me to shed some light on the following questions:
- (Main question) Is it true that $P$ is the stabilizer of this composition series, i.e. is $$ \operatorname{Stab}_G(V_\bullet) = \{g \in G \mid gV_i \subseteq V_i \text{ for all }i\} $$ exactly equal to $P$ (or conjugated to it)?
- In the case the answer is "yes": is it true that the Levi subgroup associated to $P$ is exactly the collection of $g \in G$ preserving the graded object attached to $V_\bullet$?
- In the case the answer is "no" for a general representation $V$: Is there a particular representation for which the previous sentences hold true?
Some comments
- If I'm not mistaken, the result is true for $G = \GL_n$ with the obvious representation. Indeed, the parabolic subgroups are “fat upper triangular” subgroups, and the steps in the staircase determine the flag. Actually, for “classic groups” such as $\GL_n$, $\operatorname{SL}_n$ or $\operatorname O_n$, I think the result holds true using an appropriate “isotropic flag”. My question is about a general reductive group.
- If $P=B$ is the Borel subgroup, the result (at least, the first question) is true. Indeed, it is typically the way you prove that $G/B$ is projective, by showing it is isomorphic to the variety of full flags. But the proof I know uses Lie–Kolchin's theorem, which requires the subgroup to be solvable.
- I'm aware that $G/P$ is usually referred to as the "partial flag variety" (which partially motivates by question), but I never saw that this variety can be actually understood as a genuine variety of (partial) flags. In particular, a related question would be: Is it possible to identify $G/P$ for a parabolic subgroup $P$ as a certain subvariety of the full flag variety $G/B$?