Are there 6 consecutive positive integers, where each of them is a square or the product of a prime and a square ?
If they exist, one of those six integers A will be the product of 2 and a square of an odd integer,and another B will be the product of 3 and a square with the form 3k+1. And the difference between A and B may be -1 or 2.
These may cause that there will be only finitely many solutions to the question,or no solution.
However, I don't know how to solve the equations, which requires the six integers equal to a square or a product of a prime and a square.
In fact, except (1,2,3,4,5), (97,98,99,100,101) and (241,242,243,244,245), maybe even 5 consecutive these kind of integers don't exist any more.
8 consecutive these kind of integers do not exist,because there will be two integers among them, both of which equal a product of 2 and a square, and the difference between them is 4. That's impossible for integers.
Motivation: I want to find some consecutive integers in A258456, the product of whose divisors is not a square.
Numbers in this sequence must be a square or a product of a prime and a square.
Here are some examples of 4 consecutive integers in the sequence. 17,18,19,20 47,48,49,50 575,576,577,578 1249,1250,1251,1252 4049,4050,4051,4052 4799,4800,4801,4802 17297,17298,17299,17300 120049,120050,120051,120052 206081,206082,206083,206084 281249,281250,281251,281252 388961,388962,388963,388964 470447,470448,470449,470450 538721,538722,538723,538724
It seems like there are infinitely many instances of 4 consecutive integers in the sequence.