Let $M$ be $S^3$ with $k$ disjoint open balls $D^3$ removed.
Can we classify all principal circle bundles over $M$ such that the total space is simply-connected?
Let $M$ be $S^3$ with $k$ disjoint open balls $D^3$ removed.
Can we classify all principal circle bundles over $M$ such that the total space is simply-connected?
Let $e \in H^{2}(B)$ be the Euler class.
The relevant portion of the homotopy long exact sequence is $$0 \rightarrow \pi_{2}(E) \rightarrow \pi_{2}(B) \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \pi_{1}(E) \rightarrow 0.$$
The relevant portion of the Gysin sequence is $$H^{0}(B) \rightarrow H^{2}(B) \rightarrow H^{2}(E),$$ where the first map is multiplication by $e$, second is induced by the projection to the base. By Hurewicz, the natural map $\pi_{2}(B) \rightarrow H_{2}(B)$ is surjective.
Combining these facts gives $\pi_{1}(E)= \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}_n, 0$ when $e$ is $0$, divisible by $n$ and primitive (respectively). Note that different $e$ might give diffeomorphic manifolds, it depends how the diffeomorphism group of $B$ acts on $H^{2}(B)$, this should be possible to work out.