Let $n>4$, $f\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$ and 0 denote the origin of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. We define a weighted maximal function by $$Mf(x)=\sup_{0<r<1}r^{4-n}\int_{B_{r}(x)}|f|$$ which is multiplied by an extra $r^{4}$ compared to the standard Hardy-Littlewood maximal function. Set $A=\{ y\in B_{1}(0):Mf(y)\geqslant1 \} $. It is a classical result for standard Hardy-Littlewood maximal function that $\mathcal{H}^{n}(A)\leqslant C(n)\int_{B_{6}(0)}|f|$ (using covering lemma).
However, since we have an extra $r^{4}$, can we expect something different or stronger? One thing I know is that by the same argument using covering lemma, one may obtain that the $(n-4)$-Hausdorff content (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausdorff_dimension#Hausdorff_content for the definition of Hausdorff content) is controlled by $\int_{B_{6}(0)}|f|$. But this is not what I want. My question is:
Does there exists a small $\delta=\delta(n)>0$, such that if $\int_{B_{6}(0)}|f|<\delta$, then $G=B_{1}(0)\setminus A$ is dense in $B_{1}(0)$? Alternatively, are there any stronger conclusions, such as $\mathcal{H}^{n}(A)=0$?
If this does not hold, can anyone give a counterexample? Any ideas or comments are welcomed.