Let $f(n)$ be an arbitrary function.
Let $a(n)$ be an integer sequence such that its ordinary generating function satisfies $$ A(x)=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\infty}\frac{x^i}{\prod\limits_{j=0}^{i}(1-f(j)x)} $$
Let $$ R(n, q) = f(q)R(n-1,q) + R(n-1, q+1), \\ R(0, q) = 1 $$
I conjecture that $$R(n, 0) = a(n).$$
Here is the PARI/GP program to check it numerically:
f(n) = n
a_upto(n) = Vec(sum(i = 0, n, x^i / prod(j = 0, i, 1 - f(j)*x)) + x*O(x^n))
R_upto(n) = my(v1, v2, v3); v1 = vector(n + 1, i, 1); v2 = v1; v3 = vector(n + 1, i, 0); v3[1] = 1; for(i = 1, n, for(q = 0, n - i, v2[q + 1] = f(q) * v1[q + 1] + v1[q + 2]); v1 = v2; v3[i + 1] = v1[1]); v3
test(n) = a_upto(n) == R_upto(n)
Is there a way to prove it?