Take a time 4-dimensional orinted Lorentzian manifold $(M,g)$.
A spacetime is called Strongly Causal at point $p$ if and only if for every neighbourhood $U$ of the point $p$ there exists a neighbourhood $V \subset U$ such that $V$ is causally convex.
Take an arbitrary unit timelike section $u$ of the tangent bundle $TM$: $$g^{ab}u_a u_b = -1$$
A spacetime is called Purely Electric at point $p$ if and only if there exists a neighbourhood around $p$ over which the Weyl tensor $C$ satisfies: $$u_a g^{ab} C_{bc[de} u_{f]}=0$$
where antisymmetrization over the indices is understood.
My question is that:
if a Strongly Causal point is necessarily a Purely Electric one.
If not, would one please give a counter example?
PS: one can equivalently define in 3+1 dimensions Pure Electricity by introduction of the tensor: $$H_{ab} = \frac{1}{2} \epsilon_{acef} {C^{ef}}_{bd} u^c u^d$$
as vanishing of the magnetic part of the Weyl tensor $C_{-}$:
$${(C_{-})^{ab}}_{cd} = 2 \epsilon^{abef} u_{e} u_{[c} H_{d]f} + 2 \epsilon_{cdef} u^e u^{[a} H^{b]f}=0 $$