$\DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext}$Let $C \in \bar{\mathcal{M}}_g$ be a nodal curve. It is a classical result that the tangent space of $\bar{\mathcal{M}}_g$ at $C$ is given by \begin{align*} T_C \bar{\mathcal{M}}_g= \Ext^1(\Omega_C, \mathcal{O}_C) \end{align*}
If $C$ is in the boundary of $\bar{\mathcal{M}}_g$ one can also consider $C$ as an element of the boundary strata $\mathcal{M}^\Gamma$ consisting of those curves with same dual graph or topological type as $C$. If we assume that $C$ (or more precisely $\Gamma$, but this is not relevant here) has no automorphisms, we can conclude that \begin{align*} T_C \mathcal{M}^\Gamma = \Ext^1(\Omega_{\tilde{C}}(D), \mathcal{O}_\tilde{C}) \end{align*} where $D$ is the reduced divisor supported at the preimages of the nodes under the normalization $\nu: \tilde{C} \to C$ as any deformation is given by a product of deformations of the connected components of the normalization. The twist is necessary as we have to keep track of the preimages of nodes as "marked" points.
Now the immersion $\mathcal{M}^\Gamma \to \bar{\mathcal{M}}_g$ induces an injection on tangent spaces $T_C \mathcal{M}^\Gamma \to T_C \bar{\mathcal{M}}_g$. My problem is, that I do not see a canonical map \begin{align*} \Ext^1(\Omega_{\tilde{C}}(D), \mathcal{O}_\tilde{C}) \to \Ext^1(\Omega_C, \mathcal{O}_C) \end{align*} as at some point morphisms go in the wrong direction, so something has to be wrong. I would be happy if someone could explain how one can describe this inclusion of tangent spaces as algebraic as possible.