I am reading the book "mirror symmetry" by Hori,Katz,Klemm,etc. And I want to understand the following Deformation long exact sequence
\begin{align} 0 & \to Aut(Σ, p_1, . . . , p_n, f)\to Aut(Σ, p_1, . . . , p_n) &\newline \to Def(f) &→ Def(Σ, p_1, . . . , p_n, f) → Def(Σ, p_1, . . . , p_n) &\newline \to Ob(f) &\to Ob(Σ, p_1, . . . , p_n, f) \to 0 \end{align}
it connects three deformation theory:
1. deformation of stable curves
2. deformation of maps(with fixed source)
3. deformation of stable maps(with possible changing source curves)
And my understanding goes as follows:
Let $\mathscr{X}=M_{g,n}$ be the moduli stack of algebraic curves(genus $g$, n-marked point), and let $\mathscr{Y}=M_{g,n}(X,\beta)$ be the moduli stack of stable maps. Then there is a natural "forgetful" morphism:
$\pi : \mathscr{Y} \to \mathscr{X}$
by forgeting the "map".
We have a distinguished triangle of cotangent complexes in the derived category $D^{-} (\mathscr O_{\mathcal{Y}})$:
\begin{equation} \pi^* L_{\mathscr{X}}\to L_{\mathscr Y}\to L_{\mathscr{Y}/\mathscr{X}}\to \cdot \end{equation}
Now apply $R\mathscr{Hom}$, we have a long exact sequence:
\begin{align} \mathscr Ext ^0 (L_{\mathscr Y/\mathscr X },\mathcal O_{\mathscr Y }) & \to \mathscr Ext^0 (L_{\mathscr Y}, \mathcal O_{\mathscr Y} ) \to \mathscr Ext^0 (\pi^* L_{\mathscr X},\mathcal O_{\mathscr Y} )& \newline \to \mathscr Ext ^1 (L_{\mathscr Y/\mathscr X },\mathcal O_{\mathscr Y }) & \to \mathscr Ext^1 (L_{\mathscr Y}, \mathcal O_{\mathscr Y} ) \to \mathscr Ext^1 (\pi^* L_{\mathscr X},\mathcal O_{\mathscr Y} )& \newline \to \mathscr Ext ^2 (L_{\mathscr Y/\mathscr X },\mathcal O_{\mathscr Y }) & \to \mathscr Ext^2 (L_{\mathscr Y}, \mathcal O_{\mathscr Y} ) \to \mathscr Ext^2 (\pi^* L_{\mathscr X},\mathcal O_{\mathscr Y} ) \end{align}
My questions:
(1). is it an exact sequence of sheaves on $\mathscr Y$ with the first long exact sequence as its stalks?
(2). If (1) is true, then how to see $\mathscr Ext^i (\pi^* L_{\mathscr X},\mathcal O_{\mathscr Y} )$ (i=0,1,2) corresponds to Aut,Def,Ob of curves? And why the two ends of the exact seqence vanishes?