I have seen many examples where a finitely generated infinite group acts properly/freely by isometry on finite dimensional CAT(0) cube complexes. Examples of such groups are discussed in many articles.
My question is
What are the examples of infinite, finitely generated groups that acts properly (or freely) on infinite dimensional CAT(0) cube complex?
I also come across the statement in the paper by Roller and Niblo where finite dimension condition is not required (or I don't know if they need it somehow).
Theorem A group acts fixed-point-freely on a CAT(0) cube complex if and only if it contains a codimension-one subgroup.
Do these groups act properly on infinite dimensional CAT(0) cube complex?
I thought my search is over after going through the MO post when I came across the example of Thompson groups T and V. However, these groups are not finitely generated.