Suppose $K$ is an unramified extension of $\mathbb Q_p$ of degree $m$, and $\sigma$ is the $p$ power frobenius on $K$. Suppose $V$ is a $2$ dimensional admissible filtered $\phi$ module over $K$.
I want to calculate the set $$Z(\phi)=\{f:K\text{-linear endomorphism of }V\text{ such that }f\phi=\phi f\}\subset M_2(K)\subset M_{2m}(\mathbb Q_p)$$ as a subvariety. (The second containment is obtained up to choosing a basis of $K/\mathbb Q_p$.)
We know from Lemma 2.1 of LV the dimension is at most $4$. But I'm still not clear about the structure of $Z(\phi)$. (For "structure" I mean some properties like "matrices commutes with a Jordan block/ canonical normal form is a polynomial of this matrix".)