I have some questions about the last theorem stated by Clausen at https://youtu.be/2xNG4rHUC6U?si=yw9eYiygLegH0nQK&t=4319. I'm not very familar with the definitions, so please correct me about any mistakes I write.
Let $\mathrm{Vect}^{an}(\mathbb{C})$ be this category of analytic complex vector spaces of Clausen-Scholze (which I believe is describable as $\aleph_1$-filtered colimits of sequential colimits along compact maps with rapidly decreasing singular values--see section 8 of the complex geometry notes at https://people.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/scholze/Complex.pdf). Let $X$ be a smooth proper algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$. And let $\mathrm{QC}^{an}(X)$ be the category of analytic quasi-coherent sheaves on the complex manifold $X$, which is tensored over $\mathrm{Vect}^{an}(\mathbb{C})$, and is described by quasicoherent modules over the structure sheaf $\mathcal{O}_X$ inside $\mathrm{Vect}^{an}(\mathbb{C})$.
My first question is the statment of GAGA that Clausen-Scholze prove in this setup. In particular, is the following functor an isomorphism?
$$\mathrm{QC}(X) \otimes_{\mathrm{Vect}(\mathbb{C})} \mathrm{Vect}^{an}(\mathbb{C}) \to \mathrm{QC}^{an}(X)$$
where the $\mathrm{QC}(X)$ is just the usual (big derived) category of quasicoherent sheaves in algebraic geometry.
My second question is about the first part of the theorem where it is claimed that $$K^{an}(X)[\kappa^{-1}]:=K^{alg}(\mathrm{QC}^{an}(X))[\kappa^{-1}] \cong K^{top}(X)$$ Can this isomorphism be upgraded to an equivalence of categories? For example for $X$ being a point, does it come from some colimit of $\mathrm{Vect}^{an}(\mathbb{C})$ with the category of modules over the h-unital ring of compact operators on a Hilbert space $K(H)$? If not how can I see why this isomorphism should hold?