The authors of Heat kernels and Dirac operators chose to consider a generalized Laplacian $H$ on a bundle $E\otimes|\Lambda|^{1/2}$ and heat kernels of $H$ are defined to be sections of $(E\otimes|\Lambda|^{1/2})\boxtimes(E^*\otimes|\Lambda|^{1/2})$. I have always wondered why
- $H$ is not assumed to be a Laplacian on $E$ and
- heat kernels are not defined to be sections of $E\boxtimes E^*$
as in other literature: The most important case studied in the book is the square of a Dirac operator $D$, which by definition 3.36 is an operator on the bundle $E$. In addition, the kernel of $D^2$ is clearly assumed to be a section of $E\boxtimes E^*$ in the the McKean-Singer formula (theorem 3.50). Hence I am really curious to know the motivation of the authors.