Let $$ \ell(n) = \left\lfloor\log_2 n\right\rfloor $$
Let $$ f(n) = 2^{\ell(n)} $$
Let $q_1(n)$ and $q_2(n)$ be an arbitrary self-inverse permutations of non-negative integers (that is, $q_i(q_i(n)) = n$) such that $q_i(n)<2^k$ iff $n<2^k$.
Let $p_1(n)$ and $p_2(n)$ be a permutations of non-negative integers such that $p_i(n)<2^k$ iff $n<2^k$. Here $$ p_1(n) = q_1(p_2(q_2(n) - f(n)) + f(n)), \\ p_1(0) = 0, \\ p_2(n) = q_2(p_1(q_1(n) - f(n)) + f(n)), \\ p_2(0) = 0 $$
I conjecture that $$p_1(p_2(n)) = n.$$
At least it works for any combination of A054429 (complement all but the most significant bit in binary expansion of $n$), A059893 (reverse the order of all but the most significant bit in binary expansion of $n$) and A059894 (complement and reverse the order of all but the most significant bit in binary expansion of $n$).
Here is the PARI/GP prog to check it numerically:
bc(n) = if(n == 0, 0, 3*2^logint(n, 2) - n - 1)
br(n) = my(A = binary(n)); fromdigits(concat(1, Vecrev(vector(#A - 1, i, A[i+1]))), 2)
bcr(n) = my(A = binary(n)); fromdigits(concat(1, Vecrev(vector(#A - 1, i, 1 - A[i+1]))), 2)
p1(n) = if(n == 0, 0, my(A = 2^logint(n, 2)); bc(p2(br(n) - A) + A))
p2(n) = if(n == 0, 0, my(A = 2^logint(n, 2)); br(p1(bc(n) - A) + A))
test(n) = p1(p2(n)) == n
I also conjecture that if we go backwards from the resulting pair $p_1(n)$ and $p_2(n)$ to the original pair $q_1(n)$ and $q_2(n)$, then the last one is unique (that is, there are no two different pairs of $q_1(n)$ and $q_2(n)$ which result to the same pair of $p_1(n)$ and $p_2(n)$).
Is there a way to prove it? If the last conjecture is true, is there a way to go backwards and find unique original pair of $q_1(n)$ and $q_2(n)$ when the resulting pair $p_1(n)$ and $p_2(n)$ is known?