Let $U_1, ..., U_n$ be Poisson random variables with rates $ \lambda_1, ..., \lambda_n$ such that $\lambda =\sum_i \lambda_i = O(1)$ (i.e the sum of the rates is bounded). Suppose we have $n$ buckets. We get a uniformly random permutation $\sigma\in \mathbb{S}_n$, and sample from $U_{\sigma(i)}$ balls into bucket $i$. Hence, the buckets have $B_1, ..., B_n$ balls. I am interested in the joint distribution of $(B_1, \ldots, B_n)$ as $n\to +\infty$.
Experimentally, $(B_1, ..., B_n)$ is distributed as $(R_1, ..., R_n)$ where $ R_i \sim Poisson(\frac{\lambda}{n})$ are independent, however I am not able to prove this. I am able to prove that the variational distance $d(B_i, R_i) = O(1/n)$, but this is not sufficient to conclude that the joint distributions behave the same as $n\to +\infty$ with the triangle inequality. Any ideas?