
Is there a general algorithm that can compute in finite time all rational points on any curve of genus $g\geq 2$ whose Jacobian has rank $0$?

If not, for what special cases such algorithm is known? For genus $g=2$, we have Chabauty0 command in Magma, is it always guaranteed to work? For genus $g=3$, natural families to consider are hyperelliptic curves $y^2=P(x)$ for $P$ of degree $7$ or $8$, or Picard curves $y^3=P(x)$ for $P$ quartic. Is there an algorithm for computing rational points on them if rank if the Jacobian is $0$? Is there a corresponding Magma code?

If yes, can you provide a reference? In Cohen's book, I found the following deep theorem Demyanenko-Manin.

Let C be a curve defined over a number field K. Assume that A is a K-simple Abelian variety such that $A^m$ occurs in the decomposition of the Jacobian J of C up to isogeny over K and that $$ m > \frac{rk(A(K))}{rk(End_K(A))}, $$ where as usual rk denotes the rank. Then C(K) is finite and can be determined explicitly.

Can we derive the result from here with, say, $K={\mathbb Q}$, $m=1$, and $A=J$? Even if yes, is there a better reference, ideally book/paper where the existence of an algorithm for the rank $0$ case is stated explicitly?

  • $\begingroup$ The Chabauty0 function in Magma should always work (for curves of genus 2): There is an algorithm that determines the (in this case finite) Mordell-Weil group of the Jacobian; then you take some non-constant map from the curve into its Jacobian and find the rational preimages of the known rational points on the Jacobian. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 15:57
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you. It this open for, say, genus 3 hyperelliptic curves? If open, is this because it is difficult to determine the Mordell-Weil group of the Jacobian even in rank 0 case, or because it is difficult to find a non-constant map? Also, is Demyanenko-Manin result not covering the rank 0 case? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 16:07
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    $\begingroup$ There is Magma code for the computation of the rational torsion subgroup of a genus 3 hyperelliptic Jacobian by Müller and Reitsma (Computing torsion subgroups of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3, Res. Number Theory 9 (2023), no.2, Paper No. 23, 26 pp.). One could use this to write a function like Chabauty0 for genus 3 hyperelliptic curves. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 16:15
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    $\begingroup$ I think applying Demyanenko-Manin in the rank zero case comes down to finding a bound for the height of the points on the curve. (Torsion points on the Jacobian have canonical height zero, so bounded naive height, which results in a height bound for the rational points on the curve). The problem is to make this bound explicit. There may be geneal results in this direction in the literature somewhere. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 16:19

2 Answers 2


There is an algorithm due to Bjorn Poonen (Computing torsion points on curves, Experiment. Math. 10 (2001), no.3, 449–465) that, given a (not necessarily rational) base-point $P_0$ on the curve, finds all (geometric) points $P$ on the curve such that $[P-P_0]$ is torsion in the Jacobian. This solves an even harder problem! (Although, as far as I know, this has been implemented only for curves of genus 2 with a Weierstraß point as base-point.)

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you. In your other answer, you gave a method for which you cannot prove that it will always work. However, in this answer you (and the abstract of the paper) are talking about ALGORITHM for a more general problem, hence for this problem, right? So, can I write "Theorem. There is an algorithm for computing all rational points on any curve of genus $g\geq 2$ and rank of the Jacobian 0", and refer to this paper for a proof? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 16:42
  • $\begingroup$ I would think so, yes. (Whether this is satisfying depends on whether you want a theoretical result or a practical algorithm.) $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 16:47

Here is a sketch of a method that could be able to do what you want. (I won't call it an algorithm, since I cannot prove that it will always work.) I will write $X$ for the curve and $J$ for its Jacobian.

  1. For a number of odd primes $p$ of good reduction for $X$, determine $J(\mathbb F_p)$ (Magma can do this). Let $e$ be the gcd of the exponents of all these (finite abelian) groups.
  2. Pick a base point $P_0 \in X(\mathbb Q)$ (or show that no rational point exists, in which case we are done).
  3. For odd primes $q$ of good reduction for $X$, find the subset $S_q$ of $X(\mathbb F_q)$ consisting of points $\bar{P}$ such that $e \cdot [\bar{P} - \bar{P}_0] = 0$ in $J(\mathbb F_q)$. For each $\bar{P} \in S_q$, try to find a point $P \in X(\mathbb Q)$ reducing mod $q$ to it. If this can be done for each $\bar{P}$, the resulting set of points is $X(\mathbb Q)$. Otherwise, try the next prime $q$.

If this method terminates, it gives the correct answer (the reason for this is that the reduction maps $J(\mathbb Q) \to J(\mathbb F_p)$ and $X(\mathbb Q) \to X(\mathbb F_q)$ are injective). But I have no good intuition at this point how likely it is to be successful.


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