For $x$ and $y$ in $\mathbf{Z}$, not both zero, let $cfp(x,y)$ be the cube-free part of $x^3 -3xy^2 + y^3$ (normalized to be $> 0$). One sees:
(#) $cfp(x,y)$ is either a product of primes $p$, with each $p$ being 1 or 8 mod 9, or 3 times such a product.
I'd like information about which cube-free integers satisfying (#) can be written as $cfp(x,y)$. More specifically:
(1) Is every cube-free integer satisfying (#) so representable? What about $p$ or $3p$ when $p$ is a prime that's 1 or 8 mod 9?
(2) Consider the proportion of cube-free elements of $N$ that are $< M$ and can be written as $cfp(x,y)$ to cube-free elements of $N$ that are $< M$ and satisfy (#). What happens to this proportion as $M\rightarrow\infty$? (Again the same question can be asked when attention is restricted to elements of $N$ that are $p$ or $3p$ as in (1).)
(3) I have doubts that much is known about (2), but can anyone provide guesses, based on computer calculation, as to what the situation might be?