Let $P$ be a polarization of a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, i.e. a bounded idempotent: consider a group $G=GL_{res}(\mathcal{H}):=\{g \in GL(\mathcal{H}): [g,P] \in HS\}$ (where $HS$ is the set of all Hilbert Schmidt operators). For $g \in G$ let $P_g:=gPg^{-1}$ and define $F_{g,h}=P_gP_h-P_h+I$. One can check that $F_{g,h}$ are Fredholm: therefore one can define the so called determinant line $det(F_{g,h})$ to be $\Lambda^{top}(ker(F_{g,h})) \otimes \Lambda^{top}(coker(F_{g,h}))^*$. Using this data one can construct a (small) category where (the set of) objects is $G$ and for $g,h \in G$ we put $Hom(g,h)=det(F_{g,h})$. However it is not immediate that this constitutes a category: in order to do so one have to prove some identifications:
How to prove that $det(F_{g,h} \cdot F_{h,k}) \cong det(F_{g,h}) \otimes det(F_{h,k})$?
Of course both spaces are in fact one dimensional therefore there is an abstract isomorphism but I suspect that this isomorphism should be somehow canonical and natural. I would guess that in order to construct such an isomorphism maybe one has to use the fact that $Index(F_{g,h}F_{h,k})=Index(F_{g,h})+Index(F_{h,k})$.
Once we have this identification one can show that in fact $F_{g,h}F_{h,k}-F_{g,k}$ is a trace-class operator.
How to prove that if $S,T$ are two Fredholm operators with $S-T$ being trace-class then $detS \cong detT$ are canonically isomorphic?
I would be very grateful for any help.