Given vectors ${\bf v}, {\bf w} \in [0,1]^n$ , where $n \in \mathbb{N} \setminus \{0\}$, and $\alpha > 0$, I would like to find the eigenvalues of the following matrix.
$$\operatorname{diag}({\bf v}) - {\bf v} {\bf v}^\top - \alpha({\bf v} - {\bf w})({\bf v} - {\bf w})^\top$$
I can have the eigenvalues of ${\bf v} {\bf v}^\top - \operatorname{diag}({\bf v})$ and $\alpha({\bf v}-{\bf w})({\bf v}-{\bf w})^\top$ separately to maybe bound the eigenvalues, but I am seeking for a closed form, especially for the smallest one.