The classifying space $BS^1$ for $S^1$-bundles can be taken to be the colimit of $\mathbb{CP}^n$ which are smooth manifolds and the inclusions $\mathbb{CP}^n \hookrightarrow \mathbb{CP}^{n+1}$ are smooth embeddings.
Now consider another compact Lie group $G$. There is a classifying space $B_G S^1$ for $G$-equivariant $S^1$-bundles which is an infinite CW complex so that for any $G$-space $X$ and $G$-equivairant line bundle $L \to X$ there is a $G$-equivariant classifying map $c: X \to B_G S^1$.
Question: can the classifying space $B_G S^1$ be approximated by manifolds like $\mathbb{CP}^n$ with smooth $G$-actions?