Consider a complex vector space $V \cong {\mathbb C}^n$. Consider the ring of germs of holomorphic functions ${\mathcal O}_0 (V)$ at $0\in V$. We know that this ring is Noetherian.
Now consider a finite group $G$ acting linearly on $V$ and consider the subring of $G$-invariant germs, denoted by $${\mathcal O}_0 (V)^G.$$ Consider another $G$-representation $W$ and the set of germs of $G$-equivariant holomorphic maps $f: V \to W$ at $0\in V$, denoted by ${\rm Map}_0 (V, W)^G$. This is a module over ${\mathcal O}_0 (V)^G$.
Question: is ${\rm Map}_0(V, W)^G$ finitely generated over ${\mathcal O}_0(V)^G$? Can we take generators to be polynomial maps?
Background: we know that for the ring of invariant polynomial maps and the module of equivariant polynomial maps, the answer is yes (see the Mathoverflow post) It is easy to see that the version for formal power series is also true.