Let $X$ be a Stein manifold, $K$ be a compact subset of $X$. Consider the following conditions:
1.$K$ admit an open neighborhood basis in $X$ whose members are Stein;
2.$K=\cap_{j\ge 1}V_j$, where $V_1\supset V_2\supset V_3\dots$ is a decreasing sequence of Stein opens in $X$;
3.there exists a family of Stein opens $\{U_i\}_{i\in I}$ in $X$ with $K=\cap_{i\in I}U_i$.
We have that 1 implies 2, and 2 implies 3. I wonder if the three conditions are equivalent.
The question arises because I have seen in difference papers that they all bear the same names: holomorphic set, $S_{\delta}$, Stein compactum, Stein compact, etc.