Let $A$ be a unital $C^{*}$-algebra and $a \in A$ be normal, with spectrum $\sigma(a)$. Let $B = C^{*}(a)$ be the $C^{*}$-algebra generated by $1$ and $a$, which is abelian. Let $\hat{B}$ be the space of all homomorphisms $\chi: B \to \mathbb{C}$ with the weak* topology, which makes it a compact Hausdorff topological space.
Gelfand Isomorphism Theorem states that $\varphi: B \to C(\hat{B})$ is an isometric $*$-isomorphism. Moreover, $\hat{a}: \hat{B} \to \sigma(a) \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a homeomorphism, so that $\hat{B} \cong \sigma(a)$.
On one hand, given a positive functional $\omega: C(\hat{B}) \to \mathbb{C}$, Riesz Representation Theorem states that there exists a unique regular Borel measure $\mu$ on $\sigma(a)$ such that: $$\omega(f) = \int_{\hat{B}}f(\chi)d\mu_{\omega}(\chi).$$
On the other hand, given a function $g \in C(\sigma(a))$, there is a natural identification $g \mapsto g\circ \hat{a}$ from $C(\sigma(a))$ to $C(\hat{B})$. Hence, each $\mu_{\omega}$ induces a new measure $\nu_{\omega}$ on $\sigma(a)$ by using $\hat{a}^{-1}$ as a push-forward.
By the abstract change of variables formula, it must hold: $$\int_{\hat{B}} (g\circ \hat{a})(\chi)d\mu_{\omega}(\chi) = \int_{\sigma(a)}g(z)d\nu_{\omega}(z) \tag{1}\label{1}$$
My question is: can we extend this analysis to $A$ instead of $B$ (and $\hat{A}$ instead of $\hat{B}$ and so on) when $A$ is abelian? I don't think so because, in this case, $\hat{a}$ is not a homeomorphism between $\hat{A}$ and $\sigma(a)$, but I couldn't tell if a general version of formula (\ref{1}) holds from the literature I know on the topic.