$\newcommand{\ssc}{{\rm sc}} \newcommand{\ad}{{\rm ad}} \newcommand{\Fbar}{{\overline F}} $ Let $F$ be a field and $\Fbar$ be a fixed algebraic closure of $F$. Let $G$ be a (connected) reductive group over $F$. Let $G^\ssc$ denote the universal cover of the commutator subgroup $[G,G]$ of $G$. Following Deligne, Variétés de Shimura: interprétation modulaire et techniques de construction de modèles canoniques, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math 33, Part 2, 1979, Section 2.0.11, we consider the composite homomorphism $$\rho\colon\ G^\ssc\to [G,G]\to G.$$
Deligne (loc. cit., Section 2.0.2) noticed that the commutator map $$[\ ,]\colon\ G\times G\to G,\quad\ g_1,g_2\mapsto [g_1,g_2] := g_1 g_2 g_1^{-1} g_2^{-1}$$ lifts to a certain map (morphism of $F$-varieties) $$ \lbrace\ , \rbrace \colon\ G\times G\to G^\ssc,\quad\ g_1,g_2\mapsto \lbrace g_1,g_2 \rbrace$$ as follows. The commutator map $$G^\ssc\times G^\ssc\to G^\ssc,\quad\ s_1,s_2\mapsto [s_1,s_2]:= s_1 s_2 s_1^{-1} s_2^{-1}$$ clearly factors via a morphism of $F$-varieties $$(G^\ssc)^\ad\times (G^\ssc)^\ad\to G^\ssc$$ where $(G^\ssc)^\ad=G^\ssc/Z_{G^\ssc}$ and $Z_{G^\ssc}$ denotes the center of $G^\ssc$. Identifying $(G^\ssc)^\ad$ with $G^\ad:= G/Z_G$, we obtain the desired morphism of $F$-varieties $$\lbrace\ ,\rbrace\colon\ G\times G\to G^\ad\times G^\ad\to G^\ssc.$$ On $\Fbar$-points, if $g_1,g_2\in G(\Fbar),\ g_1=\rho(s_1) z_1,\ g_2=\rho(s_2) z_2$ where $s_1,s_2\in G^\ssc(\Fbar),\ z_1,z_2\in Z_G(\Fbar)$, then $$ \lbrace g_1,g_2\rbrace=[s_1,s_2].$$ The constructed map $\lbrace\ ,\rbrace$ has nice properties, in particular, $$ \rho\big(\lbrace g_1,g_2\rbrace\big)=[g_1,g_2]\qquad\text{and} \qquad \lbrace g_1,g_2\rbrace=\lbrace g_2,g_1\rbrace^{-1}.$$ Actually, $\lbrace\ ,\rbrace$ is a symmetric braiding of the crossed module $(G^\ssc\to G)$. We call it Deligne's braiding.
Now let $\varphi\colon G\to H$ be a homomorphism of reductive $F$-groups. It induces a homomorphism $\varphi^\ssc\colon G^\ssc\to H^\ssc$. The maps $$ [\ ,]\colon\ G\times G\to G,\ g_1,g_2\mapsto [g_1,g_2]\quad\text{and} \quad [\ ,]\colon\ G^\ssc\times G^\ssc\to G^\ssc,\ s_1,s_2\mapsto [s_1,s_2]$$ are functorial in $G$: $$ \varphi\big([g_1,g_2]\big)=\big[\varphi(g_1),\varphi(g_2)\big]\quad\text{and} \quad \varphi^\ssc\big([s_1,s_2]\big)=\big[\varphi^\ssc(s_1),\varphi^\ssc(s_2)\big].$$
Question. Is Deligne's braiding functorial? In other words, is it true that for any homomorphism $\varphi\colon G\to H$, we have $$\varphi^\ssc\big(\lbrace g_1,g_2\rbrace\big)= \big\lbrace\varphi(g_1),\varphi(g_2)\big\rbrace\quad \text{for all}\ \ g_1,g_2 \in G\ ?$$
The answer is Yes when homomorphism $\varphi$ is normal, that is, $\varphi(G)$ is normal in $H$. Indeed, then $\varphi$ induces homomorphisms $$Z_G\to Z_H,\quad Z_{G^\ssc}\to Z_{H^\ssc},\quad G^\ad\to H^\ad.$$ In general I expect the answer No, but cannot construct a counter-example.