Given $X$=$l^1$ and its dual space $X^*=l^\infty$. Now take $f=(1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,...) \in X^*$. Then clearly $\|f\|_\infty = 1$. I have found that $H=\ker f$ is a proximinal hyperplane in $X$.
Note: A subspace $Y$ of a normed linear space $X$ is called proximinal if for all $x \in X$, $P_Y(x) \neq \emptyset$, where $P_Y(x)= \{ y \in Y : \|x-y\| = d(x, Y) \}$. Here $y\in P_Y(x)$ will be called a best approximation; the distance function is defined as $d(x, Y)= \inf \|x-y_0\|$, $\forall y_0 \in Y$. I need to find the set of best approximations $B_Y(x)$ of $x$ to $B_Y$, where $B_Y$ is the closed unit ball in $Y$ defined as $B_Y=\{y_0 \in Y: \|y_0\| \leq 1\}$. I am stuck at the confusion that whether $B_Y$ exists or not and if it exists, what would $P_{B_Y}(x)$ be? Kindly help me. Thank you in advance.