Added later: As Viktor Ostrik points out in a comment, what I'm looking for is a classification of so-called crossed $G$-algebras corresponding to homotopy TQFTs with homotopy target space $K(G, 1)$ and functor target category $\operatorname{Vec}(\mathbb{C})$, which are defined on the n-cat lab, as well as in Turaev's preprint from 1999 on page 14. As far as I can tell, those references do not provide a full classification though. Below the original question. I also added two axioms I originally had missed (thanks to Kevin Walker for pointing that out), and changed the title.
Consider a finite-dimensional (complex or real) algebra $A$ graded by a (finite) group $G$, i.e., a finite-dimensional vector space $V_g$ for every $g\in G$, and a linear map $$ A_{g,h}: V_g\otimes V_h\rightarrow V_{gh}\;,$$ such that the overall algebra on $\bigoplus_g V_g$ is a symmetric Frobenius algebra. Furthermore, let there be a representation $$\rho^h_g: V_h\rightarrow V_{g^{-1}hg}$$ of $G$ acting on $\bigoplus_h V_h$, such that $$A_{h,i}\circ (\rho^{ghg^{-1}}_g\otimes \rho^{gig^{-1}}_g) = \rho^{hi}_g \circ A_{h,i}\;.$$ Also, we want $A$ to be graded-commutative, i.e., $$A_{g,h}\circ \tau = A_{h,h^{-1}gh}\circ (1\otimes \rho_h^g)\;,$$ where $\tau$ is the permutation map $$\tau: V_h\otimes V_g\rightarrow V_g\otimes V_h\;.$$ Furthermore, we impose $$\rho_g^g=1\;,$$ as well as the torus condition $$\epsilon_g\circ(A_{ghg^{-1}h^{-1},hgh^{-1}}\otimes 1)\circ(1\otimes \rho^g_{h^{-1}}\otimes 1)\circ(1\otimes \eta_g) =\\ \epsilon_h\circ(\rho^{ghg^{-1}}_g\otimes 1)\circ(A_{ghg^{-1}h^{-1}, h}\otimes 1)\circ(1\otimes \eta_h)\;, $$ where $\epsilon$ is the Frobenius form and $\eta$ is its dual.
Also, for the instances I'm interested in, we can assume $$A_{g,h} = \hat A_{g,h}^\dagger\;,$$ where $\hat A$ is the co-product of the Frobenius algebra, $$ \hat A_{g,h}: V_{gh}\rightarrow V_g\otimes V_h\;.$$
What is the classification of those structures up to isomorphism? Have these structures or anything related been studied in the literature? If yes, can you give me the reference? Is there any established name for these structures?
The reason I'm interested in those structures is that they should correspond to 2-dimensional TQFT with group symmetries. Therefore, I expect the sub-classification where $\operatorname{dim}(A_h)=1$ for all $h$ to be via the second group cohomology $H^2(BG,U(1))$.