
Suppose that $\mathcal{P}$ is a connected, unital operad in $\mathbb{k}$-vector spaces (or complexes), i.e. $\mathcal{P}(1)=\mathbb{k}$ and the unit map for $\mathcal{P}$ is the identity. One may form the simplicial bar construction $C^o_*(\mathcal P)$ on $\mathcal{P}$. This produces a simplicial symmetric sequence as follows. For the $n$-simplices, we set $$ C^o_n(\mathcal P) = \mathcal {P}^{\circ n}. $$ The inner face maps are induced from the operad structure on $\mathcal P$ and the outer face maps are induced from the natural augmentation on $\mathcal P$. The degeneracies are induced from the unit map of $\mathcal P$. One may take the chain complex modulo degeneracies of this simplicial symmetric sequence and obtain a dg-symmetric sequence $N(\mathcal P)$.

In this paper, Fresse constructs a map $$ B(\mathcal P) \to N(\mathcal P), $$ where $B(\mathcal P)$ is the operadic bar construction (as in, for example, Loday-Vallette). He shows that it is a quasi-isomorphism of complexes of symmetric sequences. The object $B(\mathcal P)$ is a dg-cooperad. My question is: is $N(\mathcal P)$ also a dg-cooperad, and if so, is the morphism of Fresse a morphism of cooperads? Same question for the dual statements.

My intuition says that this is a cooperad, using the maps $$ \mathcal{P}^{\circ n} \to \bigoplus_{p+q=n} \mathcal{P}^{\circ p} \circ \mathcal{P}^{\circ q}, $$ but I haven't worked through all the checks.


1 Answer 1


Yes. This is worked out carefully in [Michael Ching, Bar constructions of topological operads and Goodwillie derivatives of the identity, Geometry and Topology 9 (2005), 883-954].

Added later, after Conner Malin's comment ... The paper [Ginzburg, Victor; Kapranov, Mikhail. Koszul duality for operads, Duke Math. J. 76 (1994), no. 1, 203–272] is perhaps the first paper in this area.

  • $\begingroup$ It is Proposition 9.29 for anyone looking, though he actually cites Fresse's "Koszul duality of operads and homology of partition posets" $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 23, 2022 at 16:09
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the references. If I understand correctly, Ching constructs a topological cooperad (the topological analogue of B(P)) and shows that the geometric realization of the simplicial object I mention in the original post coincides with this topological symmetric sequence. But I couldn't tell whether he shows that there is a dg-cooperad structure on the chains N(P), which I think would amount to showing that the cooperad structure map on the topological cooperad takes simplices to smash products of simplices. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 24, 2022 at 16:18
  • $\begingroup$ Proposition 9.29 just restates the theorem of Fresse; I couldn't find mention of additional structure on the normalized chains. If I understand the Ginzburg-Kapranov paper correctly, they only introduce the cooperad (or its dual operad) which I called B(P). $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 24, 2022 at 16:20

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