A research problem led me to consider the following modification of Bessel's equation: $$ - \xi''(r) - \frac{N - 1}{r} \xi'(r) - \left(f(r) - \frac{\theta}{r^2} \right)\xi(r) = 0 \quad \text{in} \quad [0, 1] $$ with boundary conditions $$ \xi'(0) = 0, \ \xi(1) = 1. $$
Of course some hypotheses on $f$ are required, but I can maybe adapt the problem to them.
Is there any theory regarding such equations with the term $f(r)$ in place of the $1$ that appears in the classical Bessel equation? Any reference? In fact, it would suffice to have some information on $\xi'(1)$ or $\xi''(1)$.
Thanks in advance.