I’m working with generators of Feller processes. If $C(E)$ is the space of continuous functions over $E$; with $E$ a compact metric space, I proved that an operator $G$ over $C(E)$ is the infinitesimal generator of a Feller Semigroup via Hille-Yosida theorem (I used the version in Kallenberg’s book “Foundations of Modern Probability” in chapter 17 of 2021 edition).
The fact is that we started with the process and we proposed the operator $G$. The process $X_t$ takes values in the set $E=\{1/n\colon n\in \mathbb{N}\}\cup\{0\}$, which is compact. The process starts in zero and "instantaneously" leaves that state ($\mathbb{P}_0(T=0)=1$, where $T=\inf\{t\ge0\colon X_t\not= 0\}$). In other words, has an instantaneous state, $x_0=0$. I’m asking for references that give conditions over $Gf(x_0)$ implying that $x_0$ is an instantaneous state. In other words, Can Infinitesimal Generators detect the instantaneous states in a Feller process?