Ordinal collapsing functions (such as Rathjen's $\psi_\pi$-functions, not the Levy collapse function) name large countable ordinals by mapping larger ordinals below some "large" ordinal, often chosen to be $\omega_1$. I've seen few claims that ordinal collapsing functions are in some way deeply related to the Mostowski collapse of chosen "large" ordinal. For example, in "The Realm of Ordinal Analysis" (p.35), Rathjen defines a function $\psi_\Omega:\textrm{Ord}\rightarrow\Omega$, and writes:
Note that if $\rho=\psi_\Omega(\alpha)$, then $\psi_\Omega(\alpha)<\Omega$ and $[\rho,\Omega)\cap C^\Omega(\alpha,\rho)=\varnothing$, thus the order-type of the ordinals below $\Omega$ which belong to the Skolem hull $C^\Omega(\alpha,\rho)$ is $\rho$. In more pictorial terms, $\rho$ is the $\alpha$th collapse of $\Omega$.
I see that $C^\Omega(\alpha,\rho)\cap\Omega$ is a "collapse" of $\Omega$ in the sense of removing some members of $\Omega$ and taking the order-type of the resulting set (this is what the Googology Wiki article on ordinal collapsing functions uses as an analogy), but I don't see a close connection to Mostowski collapsing of $\Omega$, or what inductive process "$\alpha$th collapse" alludes to.
Also, in Rathjen's later paper "An Ordinal Analysis of Parameter-Free $\Pi_2^1$-Comprehension", Rathjen writes:
An important part of ordinal analysis is the development of ordinal representation systems. Such systems are usually generated from collapsing functions. However, we prefer to call them projection functions in the present paper as they no longer bear any resemblance to the Mostowski's collapsing function.
So ordinal collapsing functions (at leas the ones described in the preceding paper) must be related to Mostowski collapse at least somewhat. Is the connection between them only as superficial as "$\psi_\Omega(\alpha)$ is the order-type of $\Omega$ with some elements removed" or is there a deeper connection?