I am trying to follow Roger Webster's Convexity 's proof of Euler's celebrated result on the relationship between the number of faces of a polytope. An image of the proof is here.
In the course of the proof, he states (without proof) that the intersection of an r-dimensional polytope (polytope is the convex hull of a finite number of points) in its relative interior with a hyperplane (an n-1 dimensional flat in R^n) gives rise to an r-1 dimensional polytope. This is highlighted in red in the image.
I am having difficulty trying to prove this although intuitively this seems obvious.
There are two things needed to be done here:
(1)To show that the intersection is a polytope, and,
(2)To show that the intersection is of dimension r-1
Regarding (2), what is proven before in the text is that the intersection of a hyperplane with a flat A of dimension r where the hyperplane meets but does not contain the flat is of Dim A - 1, i.e., r - 1. However, it is unclear to me how this can be used in this case.
A flat is essentially a set such that all affine combinations of points belongs to the set. i.e., if x,y\in A, then A is flat means that lambda x + (1-lambda) y \in A for all values of lambda.
I would be grateful for any help in trying to prove (1) and (2)