Let $X$ be a quasicompact quasiseparated scheme over a field $k$. The connection between Azumaya algebras over $X$ and $\mathbb G_{\mathrm{m}}$-gerbes over $X$ is well-known: there exists an injection of groups $$\mathrm{Br}(X)\to \mathrm{H}^2(X,\mathbb G_{\mathrm{m}})$$ where the lhs is the group of Azumaya algebras on $X$ up to Morita equivalence.
In Derived Azumaya algebras and generators for twisted derived categories, Bertrand Toën extended the lhs to the derived Brauer group, i.e. the group of derived Azumaya algebras up to Morita equivalence. In this setting there is a surjection $$\operatorname{dBr}(X)\to \operatorname{H}^2(X,\mathbb G_{\mathrm{m}})$$ which however is an isomorphism when $X$ is normal.
Since $\mathrm{H}^2(X,\mathbb G_{\mathrm{m}})$ classifies $\mathbb G_{\mathrm{m}}$-gerbes over $X$, we conclude that $\mathbb G_{\mathrm{m}}$-gerbes over $X$ are the same thing as derived Azumaya algebras over $X$ up to Morita equivalence, at least in the case when $X$ is normal.
I like to point out (but perhaps this picture is conceptually less relevant than what I think) that in this procedure the higher categorical structure inherent to the notion of gerbe (namely, the fact that it is a stack in groupoids over $X$, and not just in sets) is converted into a different kind of "structure", namely an algebra structure on something living at a lower categorical level, i.e. the associated (derived) Azumaya algebra (which is now an ordinary sheaf of $k$-algebras). I stress the "algebra structure" part and not the "derived" part since there are, after all, nontrivial gerbes whose associated Azumaya algebra is classical.
Now my question is: if we let $G$ be an arbitrary reductive group over $k$ (the field of complex numbers is a perfectly nice example for my purposes), there is a well-defined notion of $G$-gerbe (see Giraud, Cohomologie non abélienne, and Breen, On the classification of 2-gerbes and 2-stacks). Is there any reinterpretation of this notion in terms of "generalized" (derived) Azumaya algebras, following the same principle of converting higher categorical structures into additional algebraic structures on categorically "lower" objects?