Although godelian has already given a complete answer to this question, I personally like to see explicit constructions for things like this.
Given two definable sets $D_0$ and $D_1$ (in sorts $S_0$ and $S_1$, respectively), a typical construction of the coproduct (or disjoint union) of $D_0$ and $D_1$ assumes that we have some sort $S_2$ in which there are two distinct definable elements, $a_0$ and $a_1$, but it would be nice to not have to assume that there are any definable elements at all. We could also make our lives easier by assuming that the theory is complete, but we won't. I am, however, going to assume that every sort is always non-empty. If you don't have this assumption, I believe that the coproduct of definable sets can't actually be constructed in a uniform way across varying completions of $T$ in the standard version of $T^{eq}$ (i.e., closing the collection of sorts under products and definable quotients), so if you do want to allow for this possibility, I would recommend just modifying the definition of $T^{eq}$ (either adding an explicit two element sort or adding explicit coproduct sorts).
We need, as in godelian's answer, to assume that every model of the theory $T$ has a sort containing at least two elements. A small compactness argument shows that there is a finite sequence $O_0, \dots,O_{n-1}$ of sorts such that every model of $T$ has at least two elements in $O_i$ for some $i<n$.
A definable set equivalent to the disjoint union of $D_0$ and $D_1$ exists in a quotient of the product sort $P = S_0 \times S_1 \times O_0^2 \times \dots \times O_{n-1}^2$. We'll represent an element of this product sort as a tuple $(x,y,z_0,w_0,z_1,w_1,\dots,z_{n-1},w_{n-1})$ or $(x,y,\bar{z},\bar{w})$, where $z_i$ and $w_i$ are variables of sort $O_i$.
The specific equivalence relation we need is
$$E(x,y,\bar{z},\bar{w};x',y',\bar{z}',\bar{w}') \equiv (\bar{z}=\bar{w} \wedge \bar{z}'=\bar{w}' \wedge x = x') \vee (\bar{z}\neq \bar{w} \wedge \bar{z}'\neq \bar{w}' \wedge y = y'),$$
where $\bar{z}=\bar{w}$ is short for $\bigwedge_{i<n} z_i =w_i$ and $\bar{z} \neq \bar{w}$ is short for $\neg(\bar{z}=\bar{w})$.
A little work shows that $E$ is an equivalence relation and that the quotient $P/E$ can be definably identified with $S_0 \sqcup S_1$. Specifically, there are definable injections from $S_0$ and $S_1$ into $P/E$ with disjoint images that cover $P/E$. The coproduct of $D_0$ and $D_1$ can now just be taken to be the union of their images under these injections.