Let $a(n)$ be A007306, denominators of Farey tree fractions (i.e., the Stern-Brocot subtree in the range $[0,1]$).
Let $b(n)$ be A002487, Stern's diatomic series (or Stern-Brocot sequence): $b(0) = 0, b(1) = 1$; for $n > 0$: $b(2n) = b(n), b(2n+1) = b(n) + b(n+1)$.
Also $$a(n)=b(2n-1)$$
I conjecture that to generate these sequences we can start with $a(1)=b(1)=1$ and then apply $$a(n)=a(n-1)+b(n-1)-2(a(n-1)\operatorname{mod} b(n-1))$$ $$b(n)=a(n)-b(n-1)$$
Is there a way to prove it?