Is there a reference anywhere discussing the category of ordered commutative rings?
I'm thinking of ordered commutative rings and ring homomorphisms preserving the order, but I would also be interested to read about the full subcategory of ${\bf ComRing}$ on rings admitting a total ordering compatible with the ring structure.*
The motivation here is that the Surreals are a cogenerator in the category of ordered fields by Keith Kearnes' answer to another MO question, and this extends to them being a cogenerator in the category of ordered commutative rings and ordered ring homomorphisms since any ordered commutative ring $R^\leq$ admits an ordered field of fractions $F^\leq_R=Frac(R^\leq)$ which it embeds in (respecting the order) uniquely, and $F^\leq_R$ then embeds in $N_0$ as an initial subfield (or potentially all of $N_0$ if $R^\leq$ is a proper class, for example the omnific integers).
I'm curious about other categorical properties of the category of ordered rings and ordered ring homomorphisms; there are some simple observations like it has an initial object $\mathbb{Z}$ and the (weakly terminal) cogenerator above, but I'm curious if there's a more comprehensive reference on the subject. Any assistance is appreciated.
*there's something to be said here about rings with multiple possible ordering structures compatible with their operations; maybe I want the category of ordered pairs $(C,\leq)$ where $C$ is a commutative ring and $\leq$ is an ordering on $C$ respected by its algebraic operations, together with ring homomorphisms between the first cooridnates which respect the second coordinates. In any event, I would be interested to read about any of the above categories.