I ran across this recurrence relation in a paper by Medina and Zeilberger [MZ] (who got it from [CR]):
$$f(h,t) = \max \left( \frac{1}{2} f(h+1,t) + \frac{1}{2} f(h,t+1) ,\frac{h}{h+t} \right) \;.$$
The "base" condition of the recurrence is that, for $h+t = \infty$, $f(h,t)=\frac{1}{2}$. This function $f$ represents the expected gain in a paricular coin game ($h$ and $t$ are heads and tails), explained in this MSE posting. I had not before encountered recurrence relations whose "initial conditions" are "at infinity," and was surprised to learn that there is no known explicit solution for $f$. (However, one can compute particular values numerically by limiting to $n$ trials and letting $n \rightarrow \infty$. For example, $f(5,3) =\max ( 0.62361957757, 5/8 )$. See [W].)
My question is:
Is there a class of recurrence relations that includes the above example, and for which some theory has been developed for solving such equations?
Thanks for pointers and references!
[MZ] Luis A. Medina, Doron Zeilberger, "An Experimental Mathematics Perspective on the Old, and still Open, Question of When To Stop?" arXiv:0907.0032v2 [math.PR]
[CR] Y.S. Chow and Herbert Robbins. On optimal stopping rule for $S_n/n$. Ill. J. Math., 9:444–454, 1965.
[W] Julian D.A. Wiseman web page.