Consider the map $$f:\mathbb C^2\to\mathbb C^2$$ $$(x,y)\mapsto(x^2y,xy^2)$$ We can view $f$ as induced by the map of monoids $g:\mathbb Z^2_{\geq 0}\to\mathbb Z^2_{\geq 0}$ given by the matrix $(\begin{smallmatrix}2&1\cr 1&2\end{smallmatrix})$. Thus $f$ is a map of log schemes.
Is $f$ log smooth?
If I understand Proposition 6.1 from correctly, the answer is supposed to be yes, since $\ker g$ and $(\operatorname{coker} g)_{\mathrm{tors}}$ are both finite.
On the other hand, log smooth maps are supposed to be flat, and flat maps are open. Thus if $f$ were log smooth it would have to be open. But it is not open: $(0,0)$ is in the image of $f$, but $(0,a)$ is not whenever $a\ne 0$.