I believe the answer is yes. Let $a_{i_k}$ and $a_{j_k}$ be the even and odd terms respectively, ordered in increasing order of magnitude.
We will define four sequences; $b_n$ (indexed by $\mathbb Z_+$) which will be the desired rearranged sequence, a $-1, 1$ valued sequence $s_n$ (indexed by $\mathbb N$), which will be a “state/control” variable, and two sequences $P_n, M_n$ (indexed by $\mathbb N$) of natural numbers.
To this end, consider the following algorithm:
Start algorithm.
Set $P_0 = M_0 = 0$.
If $|a_{i_0}| \geq |a_{j_0}|$ , set $s_0 = 1$, else set $s_0 = -1$.
Assume $s_0, \dots, s_{n-1}; b_1, \dots, b_{n-1}, P_{n-1}, P_{n-1}$ have been defined,
Set $P_{n}$ (respectively $M_{n})$ to be the largest index $k$ such that $a_{i_m}$ (respectively $a_{j_m}$) has already been used for all $m < k$.
Do the following:
While $s_{n-1} = 1$, and $n$ is odd,
- If $\overset{n-1}{\underset {i=1} {\sum}} b_r >\alpha - a_{i_{P_{n}}}$, set $b_n = a_{j_{M_n}}$ and set $s_n = 1$; else set $b_n = a_{j_l}$ for any $l \geq M_n$ with $|a_{j_l}| \leq \frac{1}{2}|a_{i_{P_n}}|$ and set $s_n = -1$.
While $s_{n-1} = 1$, and $n$ is even,
- If $\overset{n-1}{\underset {i=1} {\sum}} b_r >\alpha - a_{i_{P_{n}}}$, set $b_n = a_{i_l}$ for any $l$ with $|a_{i_l}|\leq \frac{1}{2} |a_{M_n}|$ and set $s_n = 1$; else set $b_n = a_{i_{P_n}}$ and set $s_n = -1$.
While $s_{n-1}= -1$, and $n$ is even,
- If $\overset{n-1}{\underset {i=1} {\sum}} b_r < \alpha - a_{i_{M_{n}}}$, set $b_n = a_{i_{P_n}}$ and set $s_n = -1$; else set $b_n = a_{i_l}$ for any $l \geq P_n$ with $|a_{i_l}| \leq \frac{1}{2}|a_{j_{M_n}}|$ and set $s_n = 1$.
While $s_{n-1} = -1$, and $n$ is odd,
- If $\overset{n-1}{\underset {i=1} {\sum}} b_r < \alpha - a_{j_{M_{n}}}$, set $b_n = a_{j_l}$ for any $l$ with $|a_{j_l}|\leq \frac{1}{2} |a_{P_n}|$ and set $s_n = -1$; else set $b_n = a_{i_{M_n}}$ and set $s_n = 1$.
End algorithm.
I claim this algorithm exhausts all terms. Indeed it suffices to show that $b_n = a_{i_{P_n}}$ and $b_n = a_{j_{P_n}}$ infinitely often. We prove only the former, the proof for the latter being identical via symmetry.
Thus assume for contradiction that $b_k = a_{i_{P_k}}$ for only finitely many $k$, and let $K$ be the largest of these. Then the terms $b_n$ starting from $n = K+1$ are $a_{i_{M_n}}, a_{i_{l_n}}, a_{i_{M_{n+1}}}, a_{i_{l_{n+1}}}, \dots$, and further it is always the case that $\overset{n-1}{\underset {i=1} {\sum}} b_r >\alpha - a_{i_{P_{n}}}$ for even $n > K$.
But since $|a_{i_{l_n}}| \leq \frac{1}{2}|a_{i_{M_n}}|$, and the sequence $\sum a_{j_k}$ diverges (to negative infinity), we must eventually have $\overset{n-1}{\underset {i=1} {\sum}} b_r < \alpha - a_{i_{P_{n}}}$, contradiction.
Finally, to see that $\sum b_n$ converges to $\alpha$, it suffices to note that by construction, once $s_n$ has switched values at least once, then from that point on $\overset{n}{\underset {i=1} {\sum}} b_r$ is no more than $2(|a_{P_n}| + |a_{M_n}|)$ away from $\alpha$, which goes to 0 as $n \to \infty$.