Let $X$ be a scheme or fs log scheme over a finite field. There seem to be several slightly different definitions of the (log) crystalline site of $X/S$ available in the literature, depending on whether you take the objects of $\mathrm{Cris}(X/S)$ to be:
- ($X$ a scheme) diagrams $X \leftarrow U\to T$ where $U\to T$ is a PD thickening over $S$ and $U\to X$ is a Zariski-open immersion [1];
- ($X$ a scheme) diagrams $X \leftarrow U\to T$ where $U\to T$ is a PD thickening over $S$ and $U\to X$ is an etale map;
- ($X$ a log scheme) diagrams $X \leftarrow U\to T$ where $U\to T$ is a log PD thickening over $S$ and $U\to X$ is an etale map on the level of underlying schemes (endowing $U$ with the pulled back log structure) [2];
- ($X$ a log scheme) diagrams $X \leftarrow U\to T$ where $U\to T$ is a log PD thickening over $S$ and $U\to X$ is a Kummer etale map [3].
In each case there is a corresponding Grothendieck topology, induced from the Zariski/etale/etale/Kummer etale topology.
My question is whether these differences in definitions matter when it comes to defining crystals or isocrystals (of coherent $\mathcal O_{X/S}$-modules) on these sites. That is, are the categories of crystals or isocrystals on sites 1. and 2. (respectively 3. and 4.) equivalent? A reference would be appreciated, particularly for the equivalence of 3. and 4. (which is the case I actually care about).
[1] P. Berthelot and A. Ogus: Notes on Crystalline Cohomology
[2] K. Kato: Logarithmic structures of Fontaine--Illusie.
[3] F. Andreatta and A. Iovita: Semistable Sheaves and Comparison Isomorphisms in the Semistable Case.